Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Read 30 minutes
Pronouns Test Moved to Thursday  (Practice on Study Island)
March Bookmark due Friday, April 3rd

Word Study:No Word Study This Week

Class 1:
Measurement Test Friday
Measurement Study Guide due Tomorrow

Class 2:
Geometry study guide due Wednesday 

W/T Group: Adaptations Test Wednesday, April 1st (Practice on Study Island)

Social Studies: 
W/F Group: Unit Test Thursday 4/2

I highly encourage both groups to work on their OAS Testing Log at home. We will be going once a week to the computer lab for the students to complete tests as well. If they bring their testing log then I can initial if they score 80% or higher. 

Monday, March 30, 2015


Read 30 minutes
March Family Journal due TOMORROW
Pronouns Test Wednesday (Practice on Study Island)
March Bookmark due Friday, April 3rd

Word Study:No Word Study This Week

Class 1:
Measurement Test Friday
Workbook pages 719-720 #1-14
Geometry Test Correction form and parent signature due tomorrow

Class 2:
Geometry study guide due Wednesday 

M/T Group: Ecosystems Test Tuesday, March 31st
W/T Group: Adaptations Test Wednesday, April 1st

Social Studies: 
M/T Group: Unit Test Tuesday 3/31
W/F Group: Unit Test Thursday 4/2

I highly encourage both groups to work on their OAS Testing Log at home. We will be going once a week to the computer lab for the students to complete tests as well. If they bring their testing log then I can initial if they score 80% or higher. 

Friday, March 27, 2015


Ms. Howell’s 4th Grade Class 
March 27, 2015
Dear Parents,

Please make sure that your child has the supplies that they need for school. Such as pencils, red pens, glue sticks, and scissors. I am completely out of my personal supply of these materials and I will not be able to make another purchase this school year. Please talk with your child and see what supplies they need, so they can be prepared for the remainder of the school year. Thank you to all of you who have sent in extra supplies for our classroom! I greatly appreciate it!

Please ensure that your child is taking GMAS practice tests online weekly, or even nightly. All tests are due by Friday, April 17th. They are a great preparation for the GMAS we have coming up at the end of April. They model the GMAS and it is important that your child feels confident with the format of the test. It will reduce any anxiety they have before the real thing! If you have any questions please let me know.

GMAS Information:
One of the things I shared at conferences this week was about the new Georgia Milestones Assessment (GMAS).
Below are some links of information that will give you some additional information. 
·      Want more general information about the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessment? Take a look at the PTA Guide. http://s2.onmycalendar.com/Files/GE/A5R7514422I_PTAguide.pdf
·      Would you like to see a sample of the online Georgia Milestones Assessment? Click through this elementary online test sample.  http://learnoas.ctb.com/GA/
·      Want detailed information about the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessment? The Department of Education published this assessment guide specific for each grade level tested. http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-End-of-Grade-Assessment-Guides.aspx
·      Parents: This is last year's Georgia Department of Education practice test. This is the only practice test available date formats as seen in the assessment guides.  There are about  4 practice tests for each subject for grades 3-5. There are about 8-12 questions on each practice test.  https://www.georgiaoas.org/servlet/a2l

Below are just a few reminders/notes for the week:
·        The Media Center March book mark is due on Friday, April 3rd
·        Don’t forget to be completing practice tests on the OAS website.  If students turn in forms by April 17th, they will receive a special treat from me. 
·        International and Fine Arts Night is next Thursday, April 2nd
·        In last week’s Friday Folder there was information on Spring Pictures next  Wednesday, April 1st
·        In last week’s Friday Folder there was information on  field day t-shirts due by Friday, April 17th
·        Omega Learning, one of our business partners, is hosting a reading contest at our school. The top reader at our school will win a Kindle Fire, and the next four readers will be placed in a drawing for a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble. All you have to do is read and log your minutes. The form is available on our school website. All entries are due by Friday, April 17. We cannot take late entries, so be sure you turn it in on time! Good luck, and keep on reading!
·        Publix Mother’s Day Cake order forms are in this week’s Friday folders.  All forms are due on Friday, April 17th. 

School Wide Information 

  • Wednesday, April 1st- Spring Pictures
·        April 2nd International and Fine Arts Night
·        April 6th – 10th – Spring Break
·        April 20th – GMAS Testing begins

Next Week at a Glance

Reading – Constructed Response to Reading
Writing/Grammar – Pronouns – Test on Wednesday, April 1st.
Word Study – No Word Study until after GMAS
Social Studies Westward Expansion  
Mon/Tues Group: Unit Test on Tuesday, March 31st
Wed/Fri Group:  Unit Test on Thursday, April 2nd
Science –
Group Wed./Fri:  Animal Adaptations Test Wednesday, April 1st
Group Mon./Tue.: Ecosystems Test Tuesday, March 31st
9:00 Group Measurement  Unit Test Friday, April 3rd
12:45 Group Geometry Unit Test Friday, April 3rd

Specials Rotation:
Wednesday –Music
Thursday –Technology

Friday – PE

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Read 30 minutes
March Family Journal 
March Bookmark due Friday, April 3rd

Word Study:No Word Study This Week

Class 1:
Metric Sheet

Class 2:
Workbook pages 885-886 #1-14
Workbook pages 891-892 #1-10

M/T Group: Ecosystems Test Tuesday, March 31st
W/T Group: Adaptations Vocabulary Test Friday, March 27th; Adaptations Test Wednesday, April 1st

Social Studies: 
M/T Group: Vocab Test Thursday 3/26; Unit Test Tuesday 3/31
W/F Group: Vocab Test Friday 3/27; Unit Test Thursday 4/2; Lesson 3 Outline due Friday

I highly encourage both groups to work on their OAS Testing Log at home. We will be going once a week to the computer lab for the students to complete tests as well. If they bring their testing log then I can initial if they score 80% or higher. 

Monday, March 23, 2015


Read 30 minutes
March Family Journal 
March Bookmark due Friday, April 3rd
Adverb Test Wednesday-Use Study Island to practice 

Word Study:No Word Study This Week

Class 1:
Finish #5 and 6 on page 705
Workbook pages 707-708 #1-12

Class 2:
Workbook pages 863-864 

M/T Group: Ecosystems Vocabulary Test MOVED to Tuesday, March 24th
W/T Group: Adaptations Vocabulary Test Friday, March 27th

Social Studies: 
M/T Group: Vocab Test Thursday 3/26; Unit Test Tuesday 3/31
W/F Group: Vocab Test Friday 3/27; Unit Test Thursday 4/2

I highly encourage both groups to work on their OAS Testing Log at home. We will be going once a week to the computer lab for the students to complete tests as well. If they bring their testing log then I can initial if they score 80% or higher. 

International Night Doll due Wednesday, March 25th

Friday, March 20, 2015


Ms. Howell’s 4th Grade Class 
March 20, 2015
Dear Parents,

Please make sure that your child has the supplies that they need for school. Such as pencils, red pens, glue sticks, and scissors. I am completely out of my personal supply of these materials and I will not be able to make another purchase this school year. Please talk with your child and see what supplies they need, so they can be prepared for the remainder of the school year.

Please ensure that your child is taking GMAS practice tests online weekly, or even nightly. All tests are due by Friday, April 17th. They are a great preparation for the GMAS we have coming up at the end of April. They model the GMAS and it is important that your child feels confident with the format of the test. It will reduce any anxiety they have before the real thing! If you have any questions please let me know.

Please look over your child’s Progress Report in the left side of the Friday Folder today. You can keep the Progress Report and initial the back of the envelope. Please return the envelope in the Friday folder on Monday. If you have any questions regarding your child’s 3rd 9 weeks progress report please let me know!

GMAS Information:
One of the things I shared at conferences this week was about the new Georgia Milestones Assessment (GMAS).
Below are some links of information that will give you some additional information. 
·      Want more general information about the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessment? Take a look at the PTA Guide. http://s2.onmycalendar.com/Files/GE/A5R7514422I_PTAguide.pdf
·      Would you like to see a sample of the online Georgia Milestones Assessment? Click through this elementary online test sample.  http://learnoas.ctb.com/GA/
·      Want detailed information about the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessment? The Department of Education published this assessment guide specific for each grade level tested. http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-End-of-Grade-Assessment-Guides.aspx
·      Parents: This is last year's Georgia Department of Education practice test. This is the only practice test available date formats as seen in the assessment guides.  There are about  4 practice tests for each subject for grades 3-5. There are about 8-12 questions on each practice test.  https://www.georgiaoas.org/servlet/a2l

Below are just a few reminders/notes for the week:
·        The Media Center March book mark is due on Friday, April 3rd
·        Don’t forget to be completing practice tests on the OAS website.  If students turn in forms by April 17th, they will receive a special treat from me. 
·        In last week’s Friday folder is information regarding our upcoming International and Fine Arts Night.  I hope to see many of you there on April 2nd
·        In the Friday Folder you will find information on Spring Pictures on Wednesday, April 1st
·        In the Friday Folder you will find an order form for field day t-shirts due by Friday, April 17th
School Wide Information 

  • Friday, March 27th-All Pro Dad’s Breakfast
  • Wednesday, April 1st- Spring Pictures
  • April 2nd International and Fine Arts Night
  • April 6th – 10th – Spring Break

Next Week at a Glance

Reading – Information and Opinion Responses to Reading
Writing/Grammar Adverbs – test on Wednesday, March 25th.
Word Study – No Word Study until after GMAS
Social Studies Westward Expansion  
Mon/Tues Group: Vocabulary test on Thursday, March 26th and Unit Test on Tuesday, March 31st
Wed/Fri Group:  Vocabulary test on Friday, March 27th and Unit Test on Thursday, April 2nd
Science –
Group Wed./Fri:  Animal Adaptations Vocabulary Test Wednesday, March 25th’ Animal Adaptations Test week of March 30th
Group Mon./Tue.: Ecosystems Vocabulary Test Tuesday, March 24th; Ecosystems Test week of March 30th
9:00 Group Measurement  
12:45 Group Decimal Fraction Test Monday, March 23rd’ Begin Geometry Unit

Specials Rotation:
Wednesday –Music
Thursday –Technology

Friday – PE

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Georgia Milestones Information


Here is some information on the upcoming GMAS. Please check out the following links for more information and details. If you have any questions please let me know!

Parents: Want more general information about the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessment? Take a look at the PTA Guide.

Parents: Would you like to see a sample of the online Georgia Milestones Assessment? Click through this elementary online test sample.

Parents: Want detailed information about the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessment? The Department of Education published this assessment guide specific for each grade level tested.

Parents: This is last year's Georgia Department of Education practice test. This is the only practice test available online from the DOE currently. At Burnette, we are practicing and working on up to date standards and using up to date formats as seen in the assessment guides.  There are about  4 practice tests for each subject for grades 3-5. There are about 8-12 questions on each practice test. CLICK HERE

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Read 30 minutes
March Family Journal 
March Bookmark due Friday, April 3rd

Word Study:
4 Word Study Activities due Friday 

Class 1:
Geometry Vocabulary Test Thursday 3/19
Geometry Test Friday 3/20

Class 2:
Decimal Study Guide due Friday 

M/T Group: Ecosystems Vocabulary Test MOVED to Tuesday, March 24th
W/T Group: Adaptations Vocabulary Test Friday, March 27th

Social Studies: 
M/T Group: Vocab Test Thursday 3/26; Unit Test Tuesday 3/31
W/F Group: Vocab Pictures due Friday; Vocab Test Friday 3/27; Unit Test Thursday 4/2

I highly encourage both groups to work on their OAS Testing Log at home. We will be going once a week to the computer lab for the students to complete tests as well. If they bring their testing log then I can initial if they score 80% or higher. 

International Night Doll due Wednesday, March 25th

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Read 30 minutes
March Family Journal 
March Bookmark due Friday, April 3rd

Word Study:
4 Word Study Activities due Friday 

Class 1:
Workbook pages 935-936 #1-10
Geometry Study Guide due Wed.
Geometry Vocabulary Test Thursday 3/19
Geometry Test Friday 3/20

Class 2:
Workbook pages 673-674 #1-10

Ecosystems Vocabulary Test MOVED to Tuesday, March 24th

I highly encourage both groups to work on their OAS Testing Log at home. We will be going once a week to the computer lab for the students to complete tests as well. If they bring their testing log then I can initial if they score 80% or higher. 

International Night Doll due Wednesday, March 25th

Monday, March 16, 2015


Read 30 minutes
March Family Journal 
March Bookmark due Friday, April 3rd
Super Writer's Page 75

Word Study:
4 Word Study Activities due Friday 

Class 1:
Geometry Study Guide due Wed.
Geometry Vocabulary Test Thursday 3/19
Geometry Test Friday 3/20

Class 2:
Workbook pages 649-650 #1-14

Ecosystems Vocabulary Test Thursday, March 19th

I highly encourage both groups to work on their OAS Testing Log at home. We will be going once a week to the computer lab for the students to complete tests as well. If they bring their testing log then I can initial if they score 80% or higher. 

International Night Doll due Wednesday, March 25th

Friday, March 13, 2015

Ms. Howell’s 4th Grade Class 
March 13, 2015
Dear Parents,

Please make sure that your child has the supplies that they need for school. Such as pencils, red pens, glue sticks, and scissors. I am completely out of my personal supply of these materials and I will not be able to make another purchase this school year. Please talk with your child and see what supplies they need, so they can be prepared for the remainder of the school year.

Please ensure that your child is taking GMAS practice tests online weekly, or even nightly. All tests are due by Friday, April 17th. They are a great preparation for the GMAS we have coming up at the end of April. They model the GMAS and it is important that your child feels confident with the format of the test. It will reduce any anxiety they have before the real thing! If you have any questions please let me know.

GMAS Information:
One of the things I shared at conferences this week was about the new Georgia Milestones Assessment (GMAS).
Below are some links of information that will give you some additional information. 
·      Want more general information about the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessment? Take a look at the PTA Guide. http://s2.onmycalendar.com/Files/GE/A5R7514422I_PTAguide.pdf
·      Would you like to see a sample of the online Georgia Milestones Assessment? Click through this elementary online test sample.  http://learnoas.ctb.com/GA/
·      Want detailed information about the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessment? The Department of Education published this assessment guide specific for each grade level tested. http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-End-of-Grade-Assessment-Guides.aspx
·      Parents: This is last year's Georgia Department of Education practice test. This is the only practice test available date formats as seen in the assessment guides.  There are about  4 practice tests for each subject for grades 3-5. There are about 8-12 questions on each practice test.  https://www.georgiaoas.org/servlet/a2l

Below are just a few reminders/notes for the week:
·        The Media Center March book mark is due on Friday, April 3rd
·        Don’t forget to be completing practice tests on the OAS website.  If students turn in forms by April 17th, they will receive a special treat from me. 
·        In this week’s Friday folder is information regarding our upcoming International and Fine Arts Night.  I hope to see many of you there on April 2nd

School Wide Information 

  • Thursday, March 19th-Chick-fil-a Night
·        Friday, March 20th- Volunteer Breakfast (see info below); Report Cards go home
  • Friday, March 27th-All Pro Dad’s Breakfast
·        April 2nd International and Fine Arts Night
·        April 6th – 10th – Spring Break


Next Week at a Glance

Reading – Information and Opinion Responses to Reading
Writing/Grammar Adverbs
Word Study – miller, archeology, laboratory, paleontologist, immutable, planetarium, clarify, tailor, edible, magnify Fry Words: pattern, perhaps, picture, planets, possible
Social Studies Westward Expansion
Science –
Group 1:  Animal Adaptations
Group 2: Ecosystems Vocabulary Test Thursday, March 19th
9:00 Group Geometry (triangles, measuring angles, polygons, symmetry) Geometry Vocabulary Test Thursday, March 19th; Geometry Test Friday, March 20th
12:45 Group Decimal Fraction Unit

Specials Rotation:
Wednesday –Music
Thursday –Technology

Friday – PE